Self –concept Assessment Quiz
Score each of the following statements using the scale below. Be honest, objective and immediate when you respond. No right answers.
0 = Not at all true for me
1 = Somewhat true or true part of the time
2 = Fairly true or true half of the time
3 = Mainly true or true most of the time
4 = True all of the time
_____ 1. I speak up for my own ideas, likes and dislikes.
_____ 2. I enjoy being alone.
_____3. I make friends easily.
_____4. I feel warn and friendly toward myself.
_____5. Losing does not make me feel bad about myself.
_____6. I am free of shame, blame and guilt.
_____7. Other’ peoples’ opinions or attitudes do not hurt me.
_____8. I am a happy carefree person.
_____9. I don’t brag about myself, what I’ve done, or what my family has or does.
_____10. I can admit my mistakes and/or defeats without feeling bad or less of myself.
_____11. I feel no need to defend what I think, say or do.
_____12. I don’t feel anyone else is better than me.
_____13. I don’t need praise to feel good about myself.
_____14. I have no need to prove that I am as good as, or better than anyone else.
_____15. I don’t have a strong need for people to pay attention to what I do.
_____16. I can accept constructive criticism.
_____17. I don’t need for others to agree with me or tell me that I’m right.
_____18. I don’t feel other people are better than me because they can do things better, have more money or are more popular.
_____19. I feel happy for other’s good luck, especially if I know them well.
_____20. I don’t find fault with my family, friends or others for fun or because it seems to be the thing to do.
_____21. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.
_____22. I’m open and honest and not afraid of letting people see my real self.
_____23. I’m friendly, thoughtful and generous.
_____24. I don’t blame others for my problems or mistakes.
_____25. I can accept compliments and gifts without feeling uncomfortable or guilty.
________ Total score Possible range is between 0 and 100
90 or above = you have a good self concept
75 – 90 You could use some work
50 – 75 You should focus attention on updating your self-concept
Under 50 Make building a positive self-concept your priority